Seek Peace lyrics

Seek Peace
Words and music by Dan Eumurian

Seek Peace and pursue it,
Keep struggling thru it.
In Christ we can do it,
And let the world see the glory of God.


1. Seek Peace in your family,
With the ones who are closest to you,
'Cause if he can bring peace in our families,
There isn't anything that he can't do.


2. Seek Peace at the place you work,
Let the Lord make you faithful and true,
'Cause when your friends see your love and your diligence,
They'll be ready to listen to you.


3. Seek Peace with your neighbors,
Stop and chat a while and show them you care.
Let them see the way a Jesus disciple lives,
Let them know when they need you, you'll be there.


4. Seek Peace in your community,
Join the cancer drive or help with the tykes,
'Cause a cup of cold water and a helping hand
Are the kind of love that everyone likes.


5. Seek Peace with your government,
And submit to the law of the land.
Be informed on the issues, express yourself.
You've a solid rock on which to stand.


6. Seek Peace with the Father
Thru the blood of the Lamb.
Respond to the Spirit,
Praise God, the I AM.


© 1981, Dan Eumurian


God to Brother Taylor