Piano Tuning and Repair


My Piano Tuning and Repair Services Include: Dan Eumurian Piano Service in La Crosse, WI, has been serving the region with expert piano services since 1981. I have been a proud Registered Piano Technician member of The Piano Technicians Guild since 1986, having passed written, technical and tuning exams.  From a professional tuning to regulating, repair or even cleaning, when you schedule an appointment with me, I will get your piano working and looking pristine again. The best preventive maintenance for a piano is to keep it near 42 percent relative humidity. I can advise you on where to place the piano and how to control the humidity in your home, if possible. In case it's advisable, I can install a Piano Life Saver® humidity control system. I have the highest certification from the manufacture, as a Field Expert in Piano Humidity Control and as a Certified Installer, and  have been installing systems for over 30 years. Controlling the humidity level inside your piano will help protect the wooden parts from damage and maximize tuning stability.In order to become a Registered Piano Technician in The Piano Technicians Guild, one must pass multiple meticulous exams, and I am happy to be one of about 4,000 certified members. I am also a certified installer of the Piano Life Saver system which by controlling the humidity levels inside your piano will protect the wooden parts from damage and ensure that your playing is always comfortable and on pitch. I make pianos happy, pianos make people happy, and that makes me happy! Piano TuningPiano Regulating and RepairPiano CleaningPiano LessonsPiano Sales, featuring premium quality, American made Charles R. Walter pianosMore information is available at www.ptg.org/document/piano-technicians-guild/173/ and www.PianoLifeSaver.com and my song publishing and performing website, www.PianosNSongs.com 

I provide piano tuning, regulating, repair, and cleaning services. Before I start tuning your piano, I'll check it over for you. My goal is to make the greatest possible improvement at the lowest possible cost. If there is additional work I would recommend, I'll let you know before beginning the work. If you have children, I'd be delighted to meet them, and I'll invite them to play a song with me when I'm finished. When you call me at (608) 788-8637—that's 78-TUNER—or on my cell at (608) 790-8863, I'll ask you a couple of things about your piano: When was it last tuned? Do you notice any problems other than it being out of tune? I'm happy to work on virtually any piano. Contact me today to take a look at your piano!