God to Brother Taylor

God to Brother Taylor

Lyrics by Dan Eumurian


It was June the second, and the southern sky was losing light.

I had finished the dishes and was just about to call it a night,

When we heard a car in the driveway and a slamming door,

And neither Papa, Mama, brother or I could guess what for.

Then there were footsteps, banging at the back door, heavy breathing too,

And there was Brother Taylor looking like he’d seen a ghost or maybe two.


We invited him into the kitchen and gave him a chair,

And he burst right out, “I have never had such a scare!

I was dozing away and I had myself a terrible dream.

I saw Jesus himself, and his eyes almost made me scream.

I fell on my face; I could hardly breathe, much less talk,

Then felt a hand on my shoulder. He said, ‘Get up, brother. Let’s take a walk.’


“’You say that you know me, and you call yourself a man of the cloth.

But you don’t lift a finger for these working people. Where do you get off?

Don’t invite yourself to dinner. You are here to serve.

And you rat on kids who are talking. Where do you get the nerve?

Old Billie Joe is confused, and Bobbie is his closest friend,

So you get over to Choctaw Ridge with an ear to lend.’


“I got in my Ford and was crossing Tallahatchie Bridge,

When I saw a young man standing way too close to the edge.

He didn’t want to see me, but I gave ground and put my hands up,

And said, ‘Billie Joe, could we talk a bit before you jump?

I’m a sorry excuse for a preacher. I just want to show

That there is Someone who loves you more than you’ll ever know.


“’Bobbie’s Papa worships work, but a virus gonna bring him down.

Her brother has some things to learn before he leaves for town.

Those flowers you and she have been dropping show the Father’s care.

Not a sparrow will fall, but his mercy is gonna be there.

Papa’s cold, cold heart isn’t anything like that of the Lord.

I’m not gonna hurt you, but I’ve got an empty seat in my Ford.’


“Folks, I’m sorry to bother you; I’m sorry I did not wipe my feet.

I’ll get out of your way, and I don’t need nothing to eat.

Church this Sunday will be out of doors on Choctaw Ridge.

We’ll be collecting canned goods on the other end of Tallahatchie Bridge.

Jesus loves you. I love you. Sorry for the dirt on your rug,

But there’s a young man in my Ford who could really use your great big hug.”


Making Hay (Farmer Helping Farmer)


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